Hello, I'm Guido Biosca

Computer Engineer Student | Data Scientist | Blockchain Innovator

About Me

Guido Biosca

Hi! I'm Guido Biosca, a passionate and driven Computer Engineering student at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). My journey in technology has been fueled by curiosity and a strong desire to solve real-world problems through innovation and cutting-edge solutions.

During my internship at Air-Fi, I developed machine learning models that detect falls in elderly individuals using accelerometer and gyroscope data. These models, built with TensorFlow, were a part of a larger effort to improve the safety and well-being of vulnerable populations. Additionally, I designed PyQt5 applications for efficient data collection and analysis, while utilizing Docker to streamline deployments and ensure scalability.

Beyond my professional experience, I have a deep passion for building trading bots that leverage advanced analytics to navigate the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency. Over the past few years, I’ve worked on projects that utilize Telegram APIs for trend detection and real-time market data collection. This hands-on experience has allowed me to integrate APIs from platforms like Binance, Poloniex... And to design systems capable of executing trades autonomously during critical market movements.

My technical expertise spans across API integrations, machine learning, and blockchain technologies. These skills empower me to tackle complex problems, whether it’s creating efficient systems for analyzing market trends or developing user-friendly interfaces that bridge technology and functionality.


Years of Experience


Projects Completed


Internships Completed


Fall Detection System

Fall Detection System

Machine learning models for fall detection in elderly people. Leveraged TensorFlow, PyQt5, and Docker.

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Crypto Trend Analysis

Crypto Trend Analysis

A system to analyze and predict cryptocurrency trends by scraping data from Telegram, Reddit, and Twitter.

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Graph Percolation

Graph Percolation

The simulation of percolation on various types of graphs analyzes the behavior of connected components as the percolation probability changes.

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Scheme interpreter

Scheme interpreter

Interpreter for a simplified version of the functional language Scheme, using Python and ANTLR.

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Telegram bot

Telegram bot

Interpreter for a simplified version of the functional language Scheme, using Python and ANTLR.

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Air-Fi - Data Scientist Intern

Developed machine learning models for fall detection.

2023 - Present

My Skills


Expert in scripting, backend development, and data analysis.


Building and deploying machine learning models at scale.


API intergration.


Developing cross-platform GUI applications.


High-performance programming for system and algorithms.


Building robust, scalable backend systems and tools.


Expert in crypto strategies, blockchain, backtesting.

Telegram API

Building automated bots for telegram.


Expert in artificial Intelligence implementation.